eSett’s summer workers!
eSett had three happy summer workers working with us this summer. We asked them to tell a bit about themselves, how they have liked working at eSett and what they have been doing during the summer. Enjoy their stories!
Hi! I am Otto Julkunen, an electrical engineering student from Aalto University. I just finished my second year at school, and this is my first summer working for eSett. I’m originally from Helsinki and now I live in Espoo’s Teekkarikylä, the homely home of engineering students.
I had not heard of eSett before I started my studies since imbalance settlement isn’t quite visible to consumers. Last year eSett took a more active role in our student activities and I got a chance to learn more about the company. As I’m interested in seeing how the electric energy plays a major role in our society and also want to learn overall more about the energy markets, eSett was an excellent summer job opportunity for me.
I’m excited to learn many new things about the Nordic energy markets and get an inside look on how everything is functioning. This is something that we don’t really learn in university.
Working at eSett has been great! The people here are very nice and there’s a warm and welcoming feeling at the workplace. It’s been really easy to ask for help whenever needed. The start was mostly getting to know the basics, since pretty much everything was new to me, from little acronyms to the ways of imbalance settlement. This summer is extremely interesting time to start here because the markets are facing some large changes during the fall. Everybody seems excited and a little nervous about all of the changes, which is fun to observe.
Summer jobs are great opportunities to see various possibilities what one can work with in the future. It is also a good way to make sure you don’t get bored during your long summer holiday.
Two of our summer workers enjoyed their first summer at eSett so much that they decided to stay! They are now working part-time during the schoolyear and full-time during the summers and we could not be happier with this! By getting some additional full-time eSettlers working during the summer also allows us other eSettlers to enjoy our summer holidays knowing that the customers are left in good hands.
I am Sasu Saalasti and my time at eSett started in 2018, when I was introduced to imbalance settlement as a summer trainee. Currently, it is my fourth summer at eSett and between the summers I have worked as a part-time trainee while studying in the field of technology. Energy markets and their constant, systematic operation interested me during my first year at the university, so eSett was a great option to strive for a better understanding of the vast world of energy markets and more precisely, the imbalance settlement.
I can still remember my first months at eSett and although I still perform some of the same work tasks as I did in the beginning, the amount of responsibility and involvement in different projects has been ascending. I see this as a great value, because in the beginning I was introduced to our imbalance settlement system thorough, and I was able to perform customer support already during my first workweek. The first work tasks involved similar tasks that the other operators were also performing. This has provided a clear view on the importance of my work effort, which has been rewarding.
Currently, in addition to the daily tasks in operations and customer support I assist in various projects, for example, in business intelligence and user acceptance testing.
My name is Olli Komulainen and I study my fourth year at Aalto University. I have worked at eSett since the summer of 2019, during the summers as a full-time and during semesters as a part-time.
Besides interesting projects and increasing responsibility I have enjoyed the freedom and flexibility that eSett have provided as an employer. For example, when I was working part-time, I could decide my own workhours based on my schedule at the university, which worked very well.
I think that eSett is a very interesting place to work. As an employee in a quite new and small company I have had an opportunity to see how many different components of an enterprise works.
At eSett we have a very modern and youthful work community where it has been easy to fit in and ask for help whenever needed. We also do a lot of fun not-work-related activities together, usually at least once a month. During this remote working time, to maintain the good team spirit, we have also arranged a fun weekly Friday afternoon activity where we play games together via Teams.
All in all, eSett is a workplace that has a unique position in Nordic and therefore interesting assignments but also an active and connected work community, which leads to the easy decision to continue working here summer after another.