Capacity Settlement in Norway to eSett
Statnett will transfer the settlement of balancing capacity procured in Norway to eSett from 4.3.2025. This go-live date aligns with the revised go-live date for mFRR EAM.
This change will affect balancing service providers (BSP) that provides balancing capacity to Statnett. Initially, the change will affect BSPs that provide mFRR and mFFR-D in Norway. The settlement of aFRR and FCR balancing capacity will also be moved to eSett at a later stage. The exact go-live date regarding aFRR and FCR will be communicated later.
Balancing Service Providers in Norway can decide whether they want to include the capacity settlement on their current Imbalance Settlement invoice or separate it to its own BSP invoice to be able to invoice the reserves in another currency than the imbalances. If it is sufficient to have the capacity reserve products on the Imbalance Settlement invoice, no actions from the BSP are needed.
If there is a need to get the capacity reserves invoiced with another currency than the imbalances, the current BRP- and BSP-roles can be detached from each other resulting to an individually standing BSP within the company. The individually standing BSP will receive its own invoice which will include both activated and capacity reserve products and the BRP within the same company will continue to receive the imbalance settlement invoice but without the activated reserves. This option requires that the BSP signs a new bank agreement with a settlement bank for invoicing purposes before the go-live.
With this change Statnett and eSett aim to simplify the settlement of balancing services as all information will be gathered in one place. Also, the invoicing of capacity reserves will be more straightforward once eSett is the one sending out the balancing capacity invoices to the parties.
Commissioning plan
eSett has published a commissioning plan for moving the settlement of balancing capacity procured in Norway to eSett in order to help the concerned balancing service providers parties with this change. The plan will be updated based on the updated information in the project.
Capacity Settlement Norway Commissioning Plan
More information regarding the capacity reserve data packages can be found in our Data Package XML User Guide.
Webinar regarding changes in the Norwegian mFRR capacity settlement
eSett arranged a webinar about the Webinar regarding changes in the Norwegian mFRR capacity settlement on Tuesday 22.10.2024. A recording of the webinar can be found below.
The webinar presentation can be found here. The Q&A part is included at the end of the presentation material in a written form.