mFRR Energy activation market (mFRR EAM) on 15 min resolution and support for automated balancing go live will be on December 3rd 2024. The project will affect the energy activation process which has an impact on the reporting of the balance activations from Transmission System Operators (TSOs) to eSett resulting the changes also in eSett reporting to market participants.

Please see Business Requirement Specifications for Ediel ERRP Reserve Allocation Result Document and updated XSD files found here . Notice the differences in country level usages chapter 5.11.4.


The following changes are recognized at eSett

Data packages and Information service

The changes relate to attributes in Process Type ‘A30’ (Tertiary Reserve Process) and Business Type = ‘A10’ (Tertiary Control). The significant change is related to the introduction of a 2nd reason code repetition for mFRR Balancing Power (Z31) and mFRR Special Regulation (Z35)

New reason codes are:
  • Z74 – FRR-M Disturbance
  • Z63 – Period shift activation
  • Z89 – Bidless activation (Activation without BSP bid)
  • Z83 – Unspecified non-standard bids
Reason Code and 2nd Reason Code combination in
  • ‘Z31’ ‘Z58’ – FRR-M, Balancing Power, Scheduled activation
  • ‘Z31’ ‘Z59’ – FRR-M, Balancing Power, Direct activation
  • ‘Z31’ ‘Z60’ – FRR-M, Balancing Power, Faster activation
  • ‘Z31’ ‘Z61’ – FRR-M, Balancing Power, Faster deactivation
  • ‘Z31’ ‘Z62’ – FRR-M, Balancing Power, Slower activation
  • ‘Z35’ ‘Z58’ – FRR-M, Special Regulation, Scheduled activation
  • ‘Z35’ ‘Z59’ – FRR-M, Special Regulation, Direct activation
  • ‘Z35’ ‘Z60’ – FRR-M, Special Regulation, Faster activation
  • ‘Z35’ ‘Z61’ – FRR-M, Special Regulation, Faster deactivation
  • ‘Z35’ ‘Z62’ – FRR-M, Special Regulation, Slower activation

Online service

All above mentioned reason codes and reason code combinations will be visible in Online Service as an individual Balancing Subservice and Time Serie.
The products will be also considered in the aggregation and totals views. The views can be found from Input Data » Activated Reserves.

TIP: These views are also useful displays for example for invoice checks.


The new products are now visible on the invoice, and the possible new invoice rows are as follows:

For BRPs (Balance Responsible Parties):

  • BRP Sold Period Shift Activation, Production Imbalance
  • BRP Sold Bidless Activation, Production Imbalance
  • BRP Sold Unspecified non-standard bids, Production Imbalance
  • BRP Sold Period Shift Activation, Consumption Imbalance
  • BRP Sold Bidless Activation, Consumption Imbalance
  • BRP Sold Unspecified non-standard bids, Consumption Imbalance
  • BRP Bought Period Shift Activation, Production Imbalance
  • BRP Bought Bidless Activation, Production Imbalance
  • BRP Bought Unspecified non-standard bids, Production Imbalance
  • BRP Bought Period Shift Activation, Consumption Imbalance
  • BRP Bought Bidless Activation, Consumption Imbalance
  • BRP Bought Unspecified non-standard bids, Consumption Imbalance

For BSPs (Balance Service Providers):

  • BSP Sold Period Shift Activation, Production Imbalance
  • BSP Sold Bidless Activation, Production Imbalance
  • BSP Sold Unspecified non-standard bids, Production Imbalance
  • BSP Sold Period Shift Activation, Consumption Imbalance
  • BSP Sold Bidless Activation, Consumption Imbalance
  • BSP Sold Unspecified non-standard bids, Consumption Imbalance
  • BSP Bought Period Shift Activation, Production Imbalance
  • BSP Bought Bidless Activation, Production Imbalance
  • BSP Bought Unspecified non-standard bids, Production Imbalance
  • BSP Bought Period Shift Activation, Consumption Imbalance
  • BSP Bought Bidless Activation, Consumption Imbalance
  • BSP Bought Unspecified non-standard bids, Consumption Imbalance

Note: The Consumption or Production imbalance states the regulation object direction type.


All new mFRR products are aggregated into existing invoice rows for mFRR activation with energy direction production or mFRR activation with energy direction consumption.
The invoice rows are:

For BRPs:

  • BRP Sold FRR-M, Production Imbalance
  • BRP Sold FRR-M, Consumption Imbalance
  • BRP Bought FRR-M, Production Imbalance
  • BRP Bought FRR-M, Consumption Imbalance

For BSPs:

  • BSP Sold FRR-M, Production Imbalance
  • BSP Sold FRR-M, Consumption Imbalance
  • BSP Bought FRR-M, Production Imbalance
  • BSP Bought FRR-M, Consumption Imbalance


Customers may test the new reason codes and reason code combinations in data exchange against eSett’s system. To do this, we kindly ask that you are in contact with eSett’s customer service and tell that you wish to test the data exchange changes related to mFRR EAM.