The current implementation plan for each country:

Finland: Connection to PICASSO platform go-live on 26.3.2025
Denmark: PICASSO go-live took place on 2.10.2024
Norway: Estimated go-live 2027/2028
Sweden: Estimated go-live 2027/2028


Changes in eSett

Market participants acting in the new aFRR energy market will have an impact on their settlement and invoices according to the volumes and costs of the activated bids. This is an addition to the existing settlement and invoicing processes that eSett does.

The volumes and costs of the aFRR energy market will be shown in Online Service for the market participants. Additionally, the new values will be available to receive via Data Package or Information Service.


Information for new market participants

All market participants acting in the aFRR energy market will be required to register as a Balancing Service Provider (BSP) in the respective country. This includes signing relevant agreements with eSett and the TSO. If a market participant is looking to act in the aFRR energy market but is not yet a registered BSP, please contact eSett and the respective TSO.

For more information about the registration process and the agreements, please see the following pages:


Additional information

Information about PICASSO from Fingrid (in Finnish):

Information about PICASSO from Energinet (in Danish):

Information about PICASSO from ENTSO-E:


You can always contact eSett for any questions!

Contact information for eSett is:
Phone +358 10 501 8500