Swedish settlement of balancing capacity will be moved to eSett
Svenska kraftnät will transfer the settlement of balancing capacity procured in Sweden to eSett. The move is expected to take place during Q3/2023. The exact date is not yet known but will be communicated to the market well in advance.
Svenska kraftnät will transfer the settlement of balancing capacity procured in Sweden to eSett. The move is expected to take place during Q3/2023. The exact date is not yet known but will be communicated to the market well in advance.
The move will affect balance responsible parties that provide balancing capacity to Svenska kraftnät. Initially, the move will affect balance responsible parties that provide FCR and aFRR. The settlement of mFRR balancing capacity will also be handled by eSett once the upcoming mFRR Capacity Market goes live.
The main changes are:
– The invoicing of balancing capacity procured by Svenska kraftnät will become part of eSett’s weekly Imbalance Settlement invoicing
– Current imbalance settlement invoices will include balancing capacity products
– The procured balancing capacity volumes and amounts will be visible in Online Service
More information regarding this change can be found on eSett’s project page where a commissioning plan is available.
If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact our customer service.